The Whitmore: The Genesis of La Pointe Foundation






Co-founders Charlotte & Caleb Whitmore

The Genesis of La Pointe Foundation

The Background

We have a big topic today with our debut episode. We will talk about the genesis of La Pointe foundation and the actions taking place in Haiti and eventually around the world 

But, Allow me to first give a backdrop to this mysterious and captivating world of Haiti. 

I, myself (Callie Himsl) first visited Haiti in 2011 about one year after the well-known earthquake. Like many of us who have stepped foot on this island, I was mesmerized by the depth and richness of the country, so much so that I moved there full time in 2012 for what I thought would be 6 months but ended up being 8 years. 

So what is it about this nation that captivates us all? Well I can tell you its not the assaulting heat or painfully aggravating 6 hour traffic jams. 

Its the food, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the visual landscape that feels like its bringing you back in time. Its the mountains that surround the clear blue Carribean sea. Its the lively streets. The loud music, the flavorful food, and most of all the people. 

An hour and a half flight from Miami, the country of Haiti shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. The once richest nation in the world has now been deemed the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. But in order to understand the Haiti of today we must understand the Haiti it once was. 

Discovered on the first voyage of the Christopher Columbus, the Europeans landed in Haiti believing its as India or China. The native Taino people inhabited the land and were quickly killed off by the colonists. Due to the countries rich soil and beautiful mountains, Haiti became the world producer of sugar cane. In order to sustain this production, the French and Spanish brought slaves to work in horrendous conditions under their rule. Soon the slaves far outnumbered the colonists and whispers of a revolution began to spread across the island  and in 1791 the Haitian Revolution began. Led by three former slaves, Louveture, Dessaline, and Christophe, a bloody battle for freedom was taking place. 

But the relation wasn’t just about ending slavery, it was also about independence from France. After many years and many lost lives, in 1804, the first black republic was born. 

The most successful slave revolt in human history pulses deep in the veins of the Haitian people and fuels the passion and the pride of the nation. 

The revolution may have ended slavery in some sense of the word, but a continued oppression plagued the nation. France demanded it be paid back for the plantations lost during the revolution, equally a modern day 21 billion dollars. Haiti was literally paying for this until after the 2nd world war, damaging Haiti’s economy in ways that are still visible today. 

This was followed by decades of violence, dictatorships, and imperialism including the U.S. occupancy of the nation. This combined with natural disasters, unfavorable trade policies, and well-intentioned and poorly delivered foreign aid continued to crush Haiti’s infrastructure and weaken its economy creating a variety of complex problems every NGO in the world is attempting to solve. 

Despite this history, Haiti remains a vibrant nation with unimaginable potential. We are excited to share with you our story today and know that one day it will become your story too.

Key Takeaways

La Pointe Foundation was formed as a formal 501(c)3 in 2016 after a series of trips to Haiti. The foundation of localized leadership and sustainable projects are at the forefront of the organization. In direct collaboration with Dr. Vilton, a Haitian pediatrician, Charlotte and Caleb are working to impact communities by strengthening the key pillars of healthcare, education, and entrepreneurship.

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Callie Himsl